The main goal of the research activity at RAU is to improve the quality of education

The main goal of the research activity at RAU is to improve the quality of education, train highly qualified personnel, develop new technologies and use the educational, scientific, technical and innovative potential of the University for the technological modernization of the economy of the founding parties. The achievement of this goal is carried out by solving the following tasks:

  • Strengthening the status of the Russian-Armenian University (RAU) as a Russian-national (interstate) university under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia. Giving RAU the status of an interstate research university.
  • Strengthening the university's platform as the main scientific, educational and humanitarian center of Russian-Armenian interaction, as well as the organization of a regional center for innovative and technological development on the basis of the RAU, which forms the intellectual potential of scientific and creative youth in the interests of both countries and peoples in the context of strengthening and developing the Russian-Armenian strategic partnership.
  • Internationalization of scientific and educational activities of RAU and the use of the best world practices of university education in the training of specialists and becoming one of the world's leading universities.
  • Creation of a Center for collective use of the scientific and laboratory base on the RAU platform
  • Formation of a unified scientific, scientific-technical, scientific-educational complex of the Russian-Armenian University with leading partner universities (mainly national research universities of the Russian Federation) and institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of the RA and RAS.
  • Expanding the framework of cooperation with the world's leading educational, scientific centers and organizations.
  • Creation of an advanced scientific, technical and technological reserve in priority areas of scientific and technological development, which is of mutual interest to the Russian and Armenian sides.
  • The formation of scientific potential in a number of fields of science and the creation of interdisciplinary research centers on topical issues of economic and social development with the involvement of leading scientists of Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora from around the world, as well as Russian scientists.
  • Institutional development of the sector of joint scientific research and development of scientists from Russia and Armenia, improvement of its structure, management and financing systems, integration of science and education.

Here are some important performance indicators of the SRW:


  Scientific groups established within the framework of the programs of basic and thematic financing of research activities, financed from the RA budget by the State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA are implementing their activities in the RAU. Funding was received for three research projects under the program to support leading research by the State Committee of Science of the RA. Vigorous research activities were realized particularly through participation in the program of support of laboratories and creation of new research groups by the State Committee of Science of the RA. Scientific groups were formed, which received funding for research activities within the program of joint funding MօESCS of RA - RFBR - 2020. The RAU has implemented funding through Phillip Morris and RA Enterprise Incubator grant programs, Erasmus Refine, SILK, and Horizon 2020. New sources of funding were obtained through participation in the "Facultative Research Services" grant program and the RA Ministry of High Technology Industry's "Progress in Space Technology and Robotics in Armenia" funding program. In the first quarter of 2022 RAU Center for Advanced Software Technology began research and development activities under a contract with Huawei.

       In the reporting year, three scientific groups under the leadership of G. Asatryan, A. Sargsyan and T. Zolyan received funding under the RA SCS leading research support program. Nine scientific projects were approved by SCS RA within the framework of thematic funding of scientific research activities.

        The year of 2021 was marked with the participation of scientific staff of RAU headed by A. Aharonyan in the "Designing, manufacturing and testing of direction and location determination system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with radio frequency emissions" dual-purpose research financed by the RA SCS.

         In 2021 funding was received for three scientific projects under the program of support of laboratories and creation of new scientific groups of SCS RA. Among them: "Develop and implement a system for software certification and safety research" (supervisor S. Sargsyan); "Single-photon sources and entangled photon pair sources based on bound colloidal quantum dots for quantum computing" (supervisor D. Hayrapetyan); "Study of molecular mechanisms of familial Mediterranean fever by methods of genetic engineering and functional genomics" (supervisor R. Zakharyan).

        In 2021 the scientific projects in both humanitarian and natural-science blocks under co-funding programs were actively implemented at the RAU. These include the joint Armenian-Belarusian and joint Armenian-Italian projects. The scientific project within the framework of the joint Armenian-Belarusian program (advisor P. Avetisyan) is aimed at revealing the competitiveness of the higher education systems of Armenia and Belarus in the context of accelerated digitalization processes related to the COVID - 19 pandemic. And the scientific project within the joint Armenian-Italian program aims at photophysical research of semiconductor quantum dots.

          In December 2021 RAU and A.S. Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language signed an agreement to establish a joint scientific research and practical laboratory on the basis of RAU. The Laboratory is engaged in preparing joint projects, academic exchanges and research and methodological internship programs for students and teachers of the RAU and the Pushkin Institute (both full-time and distance). The Chair "Pushkin Institute" was established under the auspices of the Laboratory, as a platform for the implementation of educational projects aimed at strengthening the position of the Russian language in the Republic of Armenia.

During the reporting period the cooperation with St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, National Research University Higher School of Economics (branch in St. Petersburg), and other scientific centers of the Russian Federation in the priority directions of science, engineering and technology development, as well as in the field of social sciences and humanities, taking into account modern integration processes, including within the EAEC (Financial University under the RF Government, MGMIO, ANO VPO Interregional Institute of Economics and Law at IPA EurAsEC (St. Petersburg), National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations after M. V. Lomonosov (St. Petersburg), Institute of Oriental Studies (Iranian Studies, Arabic studies, Turkic Studies, Indology).

      The Institute of Oriental Studies (Iranian Studies, Arabic Studies, Turkish Studies, Indology) which conducts scientific research in cooperation with the Tehran Research Institute for Humanitarian Studies, Islamic Azad University and the Saint Petersburg branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics actively works within the RAU.

    It should also be noted that the joint active research activities of the research groups acting together with the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of RA (Institute of Physical Research, Institute of Molecular Biology, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems).

Under the overall supervision of the Department of Science continues the activities on the organization of research students as RAU Institutes, and Student Scientific Society. In 2021 a number of traditional scientific conferences were organized, the assistance and encouragement of the most active students in the scientific activities through the competitions for scientific scholarships, as well as competitions for the best student and the best master's thesis were carried out.

      The RAU Student Scientific Society (SSS) functions at the University. SSS aims at systematically organizing the collective creative work of RAU students in the most topical scientific and production fields of natural sciences and humanities, improving the level of scientific training, facilitating the acquisition of teaching and organizational experience, including students in research groups and various programs, publishing student research papers and other materials, establishing links with other student research centers and exchanging information with The work of students in SSS is conditioned by the educational process of RAU and is its development and deepening.

The main activities of SSS:

Scientific-research activities:

  • Organization of scientific-practical seminars and conferences.
  • Organization, preparation and realization of scientific-research programs with educational establishments of RA, RF and other countries on the basis of mutual agreements and contracts of the University.
  • Realization of competitions for research works and programs.

In the field of educational activities:

  • Assistance in the organizational and methodological support of SSS activities and research work of students.
  • Realization of joint projects with educational institutions of RA and RF on the basis of interuniversity agreements and contracts of the University.
  • Conducting optional theoretical courses in natural sciences and humanities, practical knowledge expeditions and educational and research seminars for the members of SSS.